Feeling Fine Friday: 6 of the Best Fall Finds at Trader Joe’s

Feeling Fine Friday: 6 of the Best Fall Finds at Trader Joe's | This Miss Cooks

Look, there are any number of terms floating around now to describe the type of person who loves pumpkin and all things Fall, but I’m going to be a rebel here and call this tribe of (often) ladies simply Objectively Correct. Or maybe #ObjectivelyCorrect. Heck I’ll even settle for BASICally correct, if you catch my drift.

Now that that’s out of the way, welcome to the unequivocally best time to set foot into your local Trader Joe’s. I read the entire Fearless Flyer ad for this month cover to cover on my flight home and I STILL wasn’t fully prepared for the childlike glee that overtook me as I wandered the store (I did however stop myself from buying them out of every item labeled ‘pumpkin’ so that’s good at least). Here is my highly UNobjective list of what you should check out at TJ’s. Continue reading

Feeling Fine Friday: 5 Things to Make You Smile From the Week


Coffee shop on this feeling fine Friday | This Miss Cooks
Photo by Don Ross III on Unsplash

Tuesday morning I forgot my coffee on the counter while rushing out the door.

Alright. Fine. I can drink crummy hospital drip.

Wednesday morning. Coffee successfully brought to work and then promptly spilled on the floor.

No, no, that’s cool. Surely this grapefruit sparkling water will keep me awake with its effervescence.

Thursday was a lecture from my dentist about how much coffee I drink.

Look, I’ve been vaguely disappointing dentists for years buddy. Back off of the coffee. Continue reading