Summer 2017 Bucket List: The Minimalist Remix


It’s the longest day of the year, friends! It’s also the perfect time to stay up well past your bedtime (mostly because the sun hasn’t even set yet if you go to sleep at 9 like my granny self) and dream up your ‘Summer Bucket List.’ This year I’m really trying to prioritize experiences over things in all areas of my life. I’ve been on a Minimalist kick, and I’m really enjoying the memories I’m creating.

I’m in the middle of a series of posts about one of my headliner Bucket List items, my big backpacking trip in the Columbia River Gorge, and crossing it off has inspired me to knock a few more off of there this year. Plus, it had the bonus of reminding us exactly how much gear we needed and how much extra we had accumulated over the years.

I like the idea of creating goals for different areas of my life, it helps me avoid the tunnel vision that I can get about planning events or outings. Here are my Bucket Lists:


  1. Standup Paddle Boarding  –  I did this one as a yoga class at my local Rec Center!
  2. Backpacking trip  –  BOOM, done and dusted
  3. Picnic in the park with my fiancé
  4. White water rafting on the Deschutes River
  5. Cycling wine tour with a rental bike
  6. Elowah Falls day hike


  1. Finally visit Crater Lake National Park   –  it was breathtaking and it only took me 9 years to finally make the trip
  2. Plan my fiancé‘s Labor Day Weekend family reunion, similar to last year’s trip
  3. Take a trip to my hometown, Phoenix, to visit my parents & best friends
  4. See a Mariners baseball game in Seattle
  5. Actually use up some of this vacation time I’ve got stored up!


  1. Ask for a (long overdue) promotion  –  this one has been on some to-do lists for a while, and happily I’m very close to achieving it!
  2. Learn a new skill, like a new R coding package
  3. Make friends outside of my small office, it’s important for everything from productivity to your health
  4. Learn to embrace the tasks that I find uncomfortable  –  things often seem daunting until you get started


  1. Finally move into our own apartment, sans roommates! And without most of our current possessions!
  2. Train for my first marathon
  3. Go dancing  –  Contra or Dance Yourself Clean
  4. Read or listen to at least 3 library books, including Modern Romance & The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood
  5. Host a themed party  –  I love tea parties and formal dinners
  6. Celebrate my fiancé‘s graduation
  7. Find a venue for our wedding


Do you have anything you want to knock out of the park this summer? Are you well on your way to turning that list into wonderful memories? Let me know in the comments!

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